Marketing materials designed for Grant Halliburton Foundation

Redesigned marketing materials for a good cause

Grant Halliburton Foundation is a non-profit organization that works to promote awareness and understanding of teen and young adult mental health. Their goal is to prevent suicide and to strengthen the network of mental health resources for young people. The Foundation provides mental health education, training and support to more than 20,000 students, educators, parents and professionals annually.

We worked with GHF to update their logo in 2009. Recently they asked us to help them update their marketing materials with a more unified look so that their materials can work together cohesively as a packet as well as individually.

The final printed materials from our print vendor have arrived and we are so excited with the results. It’s always exciting to get finished materials from the press, but we were extra excited about these because of some of the unusual finishing techniques we employed. We designed the pocket folder with custom curved pockets as well as a deboss of GHF’s logo for added depth. We also had the pieces printed on an uncoated paper stock to enhance their tactile feel.

We are very pleased with the final result!
A big thanks to Odee Company for their great work on the print production that brought our designs to life.

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