Animation can be an added bonus to your HTML email blast. But there are some things you need to keep in mind. On the receiver’s end, not all email clients properly support the display of animation or video. So you can do one of two things: 1- Either include a clickable link to view your animation in a web browser, or 2- include your animation within your email as an animated GIF, knowing that some of your audience might not be able to view the full GIF animation.
If you choose the second route, and plan your animation appropriately, you can use animation as an added bonus for those who will be able to view it. Viewers who cannot see the entire GIF animation will just see the first frame. They will see a still graphic. So make sure the first frame of the animation correctly conveys any messaging. That way, this audience won’t miss out on anything. Also, be sure to include a link to view the email in a web browser. This will give your viewers who can’t see the animation within their email an option to view it in their browser. Those who can view the animation will get an added bonus.
This is an animation we created for use in a holiday email greeting. Viewers who could not see the animation saw this:
Viewers who could see the animation saw this:
Plan the animation in your email wisely and it’s a smart way to dress up your message.